Sunday, August 16, 2009

Cormic's Return

Cormic III came to visit us again yesterday. Here some pictures.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

For her Fans

As requested by her fans, the lovely Lisa Thacker standing on our front porch.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

It's a boy Mrs. Walker it's a boy

Tommy reference for you in the know.

The day finally came where we can stop calling the baby "it" or "Lebron/Lebronda". Once again the little man was moving around quite a bit and they weren't able to get all the pictures done or take a good whole baby picture. Poor Lisa was on the table for 45 minutes. The doctor said everything was looking great. Here are some of the ultra sound pictures.

The baby showing off his Mick Jagger lips.

The babies feet. (We're leaning towards a Nike endorsement but still waiting to hear back from Adidas)

Baby Junk. Its a boy.